Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Future of Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427

Hey, everyone! I wanted to post this to all of you guys to discuss the future for one of our shows that we currently have going on, "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427." Now, we haven't posted a new episode since October of 2016 with the four episodes we've released, those being, "Toby's Discovery," "Stepney Gets Lost," "Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday" and "Snow" because we have been busy with other videos going on and not to mention, going to cons as usual and taking care of my family and going to my classes at college as usual. Now here's the thing, we currently have 2 episodes of Season 3 that as of now, currently completed post-production and we still have the rest to work depending on what we got going on, and we will get them out as soon as they are ready. But here's something to discuss about the future for it. Now, we currently have Season 4 currently planned out right now and we will be sure to get it out as soon as possible and we will do episodes from Seasons 6 & 7 of the Thomas & Friends show for it, but after that, regarding the future seasons for it, we were originally going to start over with the formula of the show by looking at the leftover episodes of Seasons 1 & 2 of the show for Season 5 of T'AWS&A and continue onwards with the other seasons, but however, that will have to be changed to a little mix and mash of leftover episodes for a least 2 to 3 more seasons of the show that we never got to do. But afterwards, the show will end after that. The reasoning for why I thought of this is basically not just from all of the stuff I mentioned before, but also I hardly have any ideas for it now and looking back on the earlier episodes that we did, I guess it would have been done a whole lot more to make it much more interesting. But still, don't get me wrong, I still love all of you giving support to the show all the way and not to mention, giving almost every single episode from hundreds to thousands of views on YouTube, but I felt that maybe after all the work is done for it, maybe it's time for me to move on from it. But I know what you guys are thinking, does that also mean that all of the upcoming movies, specials and the two upcoming spin-off shows on this show will be cancelled? Actually, no. We still currently have them planned out and our version of the Thomas movie, "Thomas and the Magic Railroad" is still gonna happen, so they will be on their way pretty soon. But regarding "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" the series in general, it's time to move on after at least a few more seasons. But now, I also know what all of you guys are thinking, does that mean we will abandon the SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions YouTube channel entirely? Nope. We will still keep it going for years to come with more "Family Movie Collaboration" episodes as well as shows you wanted to see on it, such as "Top 5 Muzak" and many more shows on it. So, we won't abandon the channel, it's still gonna keep on going. So, that's about it regarding the future for "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" and we hope you understand the decision I have to make on this show. Thank you guys so much for reading this and stay tune for more updates on this show coming up soon. Take care. ;)

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