Saturday, January 18, 2025

NEW COSPLAY IDEA: Ruby Rose (Ballet Practice Outfit) - "RWBY"


Well, i've officially updated my Cosplans once again and I want to mention this one cosplay I've recently added in that I'm now in the planning stages.
If you may remember, I got to show off one of my cosplays I did in 2024 which is my Ballerina version of Ruby Rose from RWBY that I got to put together for a cosplay podcast project I'm part of. I'm happy on how well it turned out and is such a nice return to working on a new cosplay after the last one I did.
And I figured because it did so well and I hope to bring it to a future convention soon, I'm already hard at work on another version of my Ballerina Ruby Rose cosplay, which will be on my part, I'll be taking notes on my upcoming Ballet Practice Outfit I'm finishing up on for Barbara from "Genshin Impact" and give Ruby Rose the Ballet Practice outfit treatment as well.
Right now, I'm in the planning stages for this outfit and got stuff like a leotard, wrap skirt and Ballet slippers, all in red, alongside a pair of Black Dance Tights to go with it, alongside a Black Wrap Dance Sweater, Dance Shorts, Dance Trousers and Leg Warmers all in Gray saved on my Amazon Wishlist as we speak and I hope to work on it soon once I get them alongside a new Red Headband.
I knew right away that Ballet cosplays is something I'm exploring more on and wanting to do ever since the success of my Ballerina Barbara cosplay and based on this image I've put together, I think it's gonna look good. Alongside plenty of others I got planned out.
So, I do hope to get this underway pretty soon and hey, if you want to see me make this idea into a reality, then by all means, since I've mentioned my Amazon Wishlist, you can gift me some Amazon eGift Cards since I got them saved there (Or gift me the stuff for it, whichever), or you can support me on my Patreon as well as my Streamlabs Tipping page. I still hope to get the go ahead to open up a PayPal link, a Ko-fi and a TeePublic Merch Shop since I got them on standby.
Until then, let me know what you think of this new cosplay idea of mine. ;)

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