Tuesday, January 28, 2025

NEW COSPLAY: Barbara (Ballet Practice Outfit) - "Genshin Impact" (Con't.)

Well, as promised from my previous post, it's time to reveal what else I got as part of my newest cosplay I've shown off which is, a new version of Barbara from "Genshin Impact" that I like to call, Barbara's Ballet Practice Outfit.
Ever since one of my friends and supporters on my Patreon, VD, sent me the Ballet Leotard for this cosplay since after the year before where I designed it, I knew I had to go for other pieces of Ballet attire that I need to get to make this cosplay work and luckily enough, looking back on my design and through my research, it was well worth finding what I need.
I went online and managed to find plenty of stuff for this cosplay such as the Wrap Skirts and Tutus that I got which I'm happy with, a decent pair of Leg Warmers which are fine and still works well, a pair of both Ballet Shorts and Trousers which are nicely done and finally, a nice Ballet Wrap Sweater which is very comfy and warm to wear, which makes sense because of how cold it is outside. Many of them took a long time for them to arrive, but I got to try them out and I was amazed by all of them.
For while a little different from how I planned out while organizing this cosplay, I'm still impressed with all of the stuff I got to make it work and I'm glad it did. Plus, it makes this cosplay even more cute to be in.
The cosplay on its own is still amazing, while all of the other stuff I got in addition is equally impressive and helps make this cosplay even more presentable and for while I wish I would've gotten done much earlier, I'm still happy on how well this cosplay turned out.
Let me know on which one of the other pieces of Ballet attire you love the most that goes well with this cosplay. Pink and White goes good with Royal Blue. 😉


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