Tuesday, January 28, 2025

NEW COSPLAY: Barbara (Ballet Practice Outfit) - "Genshin Impact" (Conclusion)


Well, one last picture I took as part of my own photoshoot revealing my cosplay is now up to complete this trilogy, not counting the pictures taken on my phone.
Yep, I've got one last picture of everything I got, including some stuff I got beforehand for my latest cosplay, which is on another version of Barbara from "Genshin Impact" in what I call, her Ballet Practice Outfit. Even after 2-3 years since I first started this going from her main Ballerina outfit to start it off, to designing this cosplay to where we are right now, I'm happy with how this cosplay turned out.
I've came a long way in making this cosplay a reality when I first thought of the idea and again, if it wasn't for my friend and Patreon supporter, VD, sending me the Ballet leotard in the first place, this cosplay wouldn't be where it is right now. Even getting the other pieces of Ballet attire I got afterwards are very impressive and it makes this cosplay even more amazing.
This is by far, a really amazing new Ballet cosplay I've done and really carried over everything I love about the idea of the Shining Idol of Mondstadt herself being a Ballerina and still can envision that happening in the game itself one day, as like a nice side story.
I still got one more post to put up involving this cosplay, but at the end of the day, I'm glad to finally complete this cosplay and looking at it, I'm sure Barbara from the game herself would love to wear that for Ballet practice.
Again, I'll be looking forward to wearing it for a convention/event coming up and even do a photoshoot in this one day because I want to look cute in this one. And not to mention, I'll be looking forward to my future Ballet Cosplay Meetup Event for cons and events coming up. I know all of those, plus future Ballet cosplays I'll work on, will exactly be en pointe. 😉

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