Tuesday, May 18, 2021

NEWEST COSPLAY: Barbara - Genshin Impact


Well, it's that time again. Time for me to once again, show off and reveal to all of you my latest cosplay that I've put together for all of you guys. This time, it's on another character from the game, "Genshin Impact." After about 4 months since I showed off my Venti cosplay, it's time for me to officially become a beautiful Church Deaconess from the Church of Favonius, who's not only a fantastic healer, but also an adorable Idol ready to put on a show.
Yep, after several months of waiting and especially hyping the whole thing up, here I am officially cosplaying as another character from "Genshin Impact" which is none other than, Barbara.
Much like on what I said about Venti and will soon to be another Genshin character I'd love to cosplay as soon, Amber, I've been wanting to cosplay as Barbara, like so bad. I found her to be absolutely adorable from the way I see her and she's just so cute when she's both singing and doing her cute Idle dance in the game. So, when it comes to getting it going, I felt it would be a great opportunity for me to try something different for my cosplays. Rather than doing a Gender-bent version of her, I would instead try to go for ACTUALLY cosplay as her. Which yes by the way, does require me to jump into a dress and everything. Took some time getting use to it when it arrived, but it did feel great. Plus, it's also the first cosplay I got where I requested to be custom made. So for what it is, I'm very happy about this cosplay.
I absolutely can't wait to debut it at conventions coming up soon and hopefully, meet up with other Genshin Impact cosplayers out there. Plus, it'll be a good opportunity to see if me in this cosplay would be as tall as her big sister.
Until that happens, I love this cosplay a ton. I'm very happy with the way it turned out and I can proclaim it as one of my favorites right now. And hey, since it's going well, I hope to do the same thing for other female characters I'd love to cosplay as on top of what I normally do for each one. But we shall see. I'm thrilled to have Barbara and I'm glad to get this one ready to go. :)

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