Welcome to Ackley Attack TV's official blog. Much like our social media pages, we give updates, announcements and new releases of our shows and videos. So, what are you waiting for, start following us today.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 7: Cows
BIG NEWS! Episode 7 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Cows" has finally reached over 5,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Moments
Aw, yes! Now we're talking and I fully agree. As much as I still enjoyed the Sonic the Hedgehog movie since I first saw it, there's still a lot of pretty good moments from it. Still can't wait to get it on Blu-ray. :)
Monday, March 30, 2020
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 39: ...
BIG NEWS! Episode 39 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Something in the Air" has finally reached over 10,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Nice! This trailer for the upcoming anime, "Princess Connect! Re:Dive" is pretty good and this looks pretty interesting. I can see me and my girlfriend, CastaMelody watching this one together. Can't wait to see it when it comes out. :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Thomas and the Magic Railroad (T'AWS&A Version) UPDATE!!!
Thomas and the Magic Railroad (T'AWS&A Version):
Since we've took a bit long and why we haven't given any new updates on this, we're here to announce that we've officially begun work on production on the film. We still have yet to begin voice recording, but we will let you know. Stay tune for more updates! ;)
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 44: ...
BIG NEWS! Episode 44 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Snow" has finally reached over 10,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery - Full Complete Soundtrack (HD)
BIG NEWS! The Complete Soundtrack video to the Thomas & Friends movie, "The Great Discovery" has finally reached over 1,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)
A Video Message To Ackley Attack TV
That is very nice! Big special thanks to ArctixLord15 for making this shoutout video to us! :)
Future Cosplay (IN MIND!!!)
You know, I've been thinking of something lately. For one cosplay that I would love to do in the near future, especially one I thought of recently, I think I would make a good Minaduki Kashou from "Nekopara." Based on what I'm seeing from him and especially hearing great things about the new anime as well coming straight out of both Nekopara OVA's, I think Minaduki would be a good fit for me, so it can go great as one of my future cosplays.
Plus, I already discussed it with her earlier, but I will say this. My girlfriend, CastaMelody will make a great Chocola. :3
Cells at Work! Season 2 | Official Trailer
YAY! The trailer for Season 2 of Cells at Work looks amazing. Really can't wait for it to come out. I know I'll love it as much as I love Season 1. :)
Friday, March 20, 2020
Family Movie Collaboration - Episode 11 - Flushed Away
BIG NEWS! Episode 11 of "Family Movie Collaboration" has finally reached over 7,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Fruits Basket Season 2 | Official Trailer 2
Oh, we got a new trailer for Season 2 of the new Fruits Basket anime and it looks amazing! I'm absolutely super hyped for this one! :D
Possible ray of hope for coronavirus treatment l GMA
Well, if what they're saying is true, then I'm choosing to believe it. If they would've though of that in the first place, then this whole outbreak will be over in a millisecond. It's working well in China, so let's make it work here,...as well as the rest of the globe.
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 45: ...
BIG NEWS! Episode 45 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Lady Hatt's Birthday Party" has finally reached over 5,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 25: ...
BIG NEWS! Episode 25 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "You Can't Win" has finally reached over 6,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE!!! (Follow-Up)
Family Movie Colalboration UPDATE:
To follow up this announcement, once again, thanks to my girlfriend, CastaMelody, we'll be having our review on Detective Pikachu and a new Top 10 list on the best Rocko's Modern Life episodes take their places. Stay tune for more updates! ;)
Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE!!!
Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE:
We're here to announce that just yesterday, after getting resources right about now as well as recommendations from my girlfriend, CastaMelody, we're shifting our FMC review on Pokemon Chronicles from Season 4 to Season 5, as well as the Top 20 Pikachu Short Films. Stay tune for more updates! ;)
Monday, March 16, 2020
40th Razzie Awards: The Lock-Down Edition
Well, the winners for this year's Razzie Awards just dropped today and from the looks of it, Cats won Worst Picture this year. That's a first for me. I saw a movie so bad, it won Worst Picture. Quite surprising to me. :o
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Is It The End of Ackley Reacts?!? | Ackley Reacts Update
A brand new video is officially up! This time, we answer the question that officially determines the future of Ackley Reacts. Enjoy! ;)
All “Mya-nee” and other catchy phrases of Hinata from Watashi ni Tenshi ...
Aw, that's adorable. I've yet to see Wataten!: An Angel Flew Down to Me, but this is really something. I can really imagine my girlfriend, CastaMelody being this adorable if she's Hinata. Especially when saying, "Mya-nee." :)
I Still Believe - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we take a look at a movie based around a true story as told by songwriter, Jeremy Camp simply known as, "I Still Believe." Enjoy! ;)
Onward - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we take a look at the newest movie from Disney and Pixar, "Onward." Enjoy! ;)
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Ackley Reacts - Episode 8 - Maddalonefarms' The Jet Engine
A brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is officially up! This time, we take a look at a video from Maddalonefarms simple known as, "The Jet Engine." Enjoy! ;)
Friday, March 13, 2020
Ackley Reacts - Episode 7 - Thomas Effortless Adventures
A brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is officially up! This time, we take a look at an episode of a Thomas parody series, "Thomas Effortless Adventures." Enjoy! ;)
Let's Talk About the Coronavirus | MASSIVE UPDATE VIDEO!!!
We've now posted the exact same video on the SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions YouTube channel. Go check it out and see what's going on. Enjoy! ;)
Let's Talk About the Coronavirus | MASSIVE UPDATE VIDEO!!!
A brand new video is officially up! This time, we give out a massive update regarding what's going on in our end with the recent outbreak on the Coronavirus that's currently going on. Enjoy! ;)
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Ackley Reacts - Episode 6 - Music Videos Without Music
A brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is officially up! This time, we take a look at a series of videos simply known as, Music Videos Without Music. Enjoy! ;)
See Ackleyattack4427 at Tora-Con 2020!!! (MASSIVE UPDATE!!!)
Hey, guys. I thought I would give all of you an update on what's happened recently. Sadly, due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak that's currently going on and from their recent announcement, my appearance at Tora-Con this year is sadly cancelled. I am very saddened that it has to come to this due to their decision, but at the same time, I do fully support it as they want to keep everyone safe from this outbreak. I do hope to come back next year where things will be alright. Giving out my love and support to everyone running the con and I hope to come back next year. <3
Soul | Official Trailer
Well, we got a brand new trailer for Soul and it looks amazing. I'm really loving the story, the characters as well as the animation. I'm really excited to see what'll be going on for this movie because if anything, it looks incredible so far. :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Ackley Reacts - Episode 5 - Crotoonia's Railside Tales: Diesel's Steel Gang
A brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is officially up! This time, we turn to the good old MilanToon Channel by taking a look at another Crotoonia project of his, "Diesel's Steel Gang." Enjoy! ;)
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Ackley Reacts - Episode 4 - Shaun Brittain's Twilight Gets a Cold
A brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is officially up! This time, we take a look at a video by one of the worst YouTubers in the Thomas community, Shaun Brittain. Enjoy! ;)
Thomas and the Magic Railroad Blu-ray Announcement - Ackleyattack4427's ...
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we talk about the latest announcement on Thomas and the Magic Railroad on Blu-ray. Enjoy! ;)
Disney's Jungle Cruise | Official Trailer
We got a new trailer for Jungle Cruise and it looks pretty good. Really love how action-packed and visually it looks and not to mention, Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt are gonna be amazing. Really looking forward to seeing this. :)
Monday, March 9, 2020
Thomas and the Magic Railroad - 20th Anniversary Blu-ray Announcement!!! :D
Well, just in time for it's 20th anniversary, looks like Thomas and the Magic Railroad is officially getting a Blu-ray release. For while I still view it as one of my guilty pleasures and depending when we may or may not get the Director's Cut anytime soon, I think it's good to know they're REALLY doing something special for this occasion. :)
Link here: https://amazon.com/dp/B085K7P313
Ackley Reacts - Episode 3 - The Mane 6 & Spike Reacts To AFHV Pilot
A brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is officially up! This time, we take a look at a video from DLTBerkshire which is where The Mane 6 & Spike from MLP: FiM reacting to the AFHV Pilot. Enjoy! ;)
Marvel Studios' Black Widow | Final Trailer
Well, we got a new trailer for Black Widow and it looks incredibly awesome. Really love on how action packed it is and really love Scarlett Johansson as usual. Super excited to see this movie when it comes out. :)
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Tomy/Trackmaster T&F Season 5 Episode 5 - Expedition: Thomas - Deleted S...
BIG NEWS! The Deleted Scenes video on the TOMY/Trackmaster T&F episode, "Expedition: Thomas" has finally reached over 3,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)
Ackley Reacts - Episode 2 - Dr. Crafty w/ Team Skull
After a whole 2-3 year wait, a brand new episode of "Ackley Reacts" is FINALLY up! This time, we get a little artsy and take a look at a video from Dr. Crafty. Enjoy! ;)
Hey, guys. Just want to give you guys a quick heads up.
7 brand new episode of Ackley Reacts will be starting tonight at 7 PM EST and will go on for the whole week.
Be on the lookout for that. ;)
7 brand new episode of Ackley Reacts will be starting tonight at 7 PM EST and will go on for the whole week.
Be on the lookout for that. ;)
Saturday, March 7, 2020
EMOJILAND at NYMF 2018 - Highlights Trailer
Well, to be fair, it looks much better than The Emoji Movie. :)
Inspector Gadget Gadget's Greatest Gadgets
Hey, guys. Who here remember the Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Greatest Gadgets VHS? It's been a long time since I watched Inspector Gadget through this VHS and there's a lot of memories from watching it. :)
Friday, March 6, 2020
"DIGIMON ADVENTURE:" Official Trailer | New Series (2020)
Okay, I will admit, I never grew up with Digimon during my time as I am a Pokemon fan, but from what I'm seeing, this latest trailer for the upcoming Digimon reboot looks promising. :)
Just saw the latest trailer for Trolls World Tour and my thoughts? It looks innocent enough. I mean it's got great animation, good characters and clever song choices, but the rest is questionable. We shall see on this one.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Sonic The Steam Engine Official Trailer
Okay. I still really enjoyed the Sonic the Hedgehog movie even to this day, but this video by Megahedgehogx is just absolutely incredible. Really enjoyed it, especially the Sonic train by Ben11GWR and still can't wait until the Sonic movie comes out on Blu-ray. :)
GREYHOUND - Official Trailer (HD)
We got a trailer for the new movie, Greyhound and it looks pretty good. It looks action-packed, visually interesting and Tom Hanks is looking phenomenal in it. So yeah, based on what I saw, it looks good. :)
SCOOB! Final Trailer
We got a new trailer for SCOOB! and I will admit, it looks okay. Got good animation and good voice acting so far, but the rest just feels basic, generic and self-centered. We shall wait and see. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Pink Floyd - The Wall - Trailer
Still glad I got to watch this movie after buying the DVD off of Amazon. Such a really good movie. I wish I would've let my Dad watch it with me, but hey, it was still fun. Highly recommend Pink Floyd: The Wall all the way! ;)
Ackley Attack TV Updates: Upcoming Cons, T&F: IoSA, FMC, T'AWS&A, Ackley...
A brand new update video is officially up on my YouTube channel. Go check it out and see what I've got lined up. Enjoy! ;)
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 60 - Happiness Charge Precure Cherry ...
A brand new episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is officially up! This time, we take a look at the Cherry Flamenco figure from "Happiness Charge Precure." Enjoy! :)
CONNECTED - Official Trailer (HD)
Just saw the latest trailer for Connected and it looks pretty good. From the story, characters and even the amazing animation, I didn't expect that coming from the people who made "Spider-Verse." Can't wait to see it when it comes out. :)
Monday, March 2, 2020
An Unlikely Fandom - A MASSIVE CONGRATS!!! :D
As it's getting closer to the end, I want to give a massive congrats to everyone at An Unlikely Fandom, including Brannon Carty for their successful campaign on Kickstarter with over $12,000 total all together. If it wasn't for all of us coming to get this successful, none of this would ever happen. But I am glad they were and I'm excited to see this movie when it comes out as well as a lot of other people out there. Especially since after my contribution to the campaign myself. Great opportunity to use my HO/OO Thomas & Friends Trains and Layout for this. :)
Disney’s Artemis Fowl | Official Trailer
Well, just earlier today, we got a new trailer for Artemis Fowl and from the looks of it, it looks okay. For while it does have some good ideas thrown into it, it still feels like Men In Black, except it's with fantasy creatures instead of aliens. We shall see on this one.
The Call of the Wild - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we take a look at the latest adaptation based on the legendary novel, "The Call of the Wild." Enjoy! ;)
Sunday, March 1, 2020
WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 59 - Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Charging...
A brand new episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is officially up! This time, we take a look at the Joy-Con Charging Grip made for the Nintendo Switch. Enjoy! ;)
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Ackley Attack TV Updates: Syracuse Collectors Con 2025, T&F: IoSA, FMC, ...
A brand new update video is officially up! We get ourselves in on what will go down for 2025 this year in terms of video projects, what show...

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Um,...I'm not trying to be rude here but,...I wonder why a 9-year-old boy on YouTube wants to do a "Family Movie Collaboration...
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BIG NEWS! Episode 7 of "Family Movie Collaboration" has finally reached over 3,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for t...
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