Thursday, November 30, 2017

WTPU? (What the Pickup?)

We just recently updated every episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" by giving every episode their own custom thumbnails part of our on-going progress by giving every one of our videos their own custom thumbnails. Let us know what you think of them so far and be on the lookout for more soon! ;)

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 2 - TOMY Plarail Henry

BIG NEWS! Episode 2 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" has finally made it over 2,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 UPDATE!!!

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 UPDATE:
Part 1 of Post-Production on Episode 48 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Busy Going Backwards" has officially begun! Stay tune for more updates! :)

RetroGameCon 2017 Vlog

My convention vlog on RetroGameCon 2017 is finally here! Better get the popcorn ready because this is the longest convention vlog I've ever done. Enjoy! =)

Monday, November 27, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 UPDATE!!!

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 UPDATE:
Part 1 of Post-Production for Episode 47 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "A Surprise for Percy" is finally completed and we will get Part 2 done as quickly as possible. Stay tune for more updates! :)

Thomas’ Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 (iMovie Trai...

Here's iMovie Trailer #28 for "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" for all of you to watch. Stay tune for next time as well release the final iMovie Trailer for this series entirely. Be on the lookout for that soon. Enjoy! ;)

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ackley Attack TV's YouTube Channel - MAJOR MILESTONE!!!
Hey, guys. We're proud to announce that we finally made it to 800 subscribers on YouTube! Big congrats to Desi Nicole Campbell for being the 800th subscriber to this channel and thank you guys so much for making it happen and let's see if we'll make it to 900 subscribers next! :D

Ackley Attack TV's Upcoming YouTube Milestone - GETTING CLOSER!!! :D
We're now at 799 subscribers right now, which means that we're only 1 sub away towards reaching 800. Let's pray that in a few minutes or hours from now and hopefully tomorrow, we will finally make it to 800 or even more than that. Either way, let's make it happen. :)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Ackley Attack TV's YouTube Channel UPDATE!!!

Hey, guys. We wanted to share this to all of you to let you know that I just recently updated the channel art to our main YouTube channel and it turned out great. Let me know what you think of this update we did to our channel and be on the lookout for more videos from us soon. ;)

Ackley Attack TV's Upcoming YouTube Milestone!!! :D
We're proud to announce that we're only 5 subscribers away towards reaching 800 subscribers on YouTube! Let's see if we can finally make it happen, everyone and if you haven't subscribed to our channel just yet, go right ahead and do exactly that. ;)

Friday, November 24, 2017

Ackley Reacts - Episode 1 - The Railways of Crotoonia: Tillie to the Rescue

BIG NEWS! The very first episode of "Ackley Reacts" has finally reached over 3,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 34: ...

BIG NEWS! Episode 34 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Toad Stands By" has finally reached over 8,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Convention Vlogs & Highlights UPDATE!!!

Convention Vlogs & Highlights UPDATE:
We're proud to announce that we've officially finished post-production on the upcoming convention vlog on RetroGameCon 2017 and based on how much footage we shot, it's now the longest convention vlog we will release clocking in at over an hour. So, you better get the popcorn ready for it as the vlog is set to be released sometime next week after Thanksgiving Break. So, be on the lookout for that. ;)

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What Game Desperately Needs A Modern Remaster? | RetroGameCon 2017

One of my good pals, Tyler Harris (Nekumore) recently posted his video that was filmed at this year's RetroGameCon about video games that deserve a modern remaster and I'm in this. If you see someone dressed as Ash Ketchum in this video, then you'll find me. Click on the link and see it for yourself. ;)

Convention Vlogs & Highlights UPDATE!!!

Convention Vlogs & Highlights UPDATE:
We're proud to announce that we've officially begun post-production on our upcoming convention vlog on RetroGameCon 2017. Be on the lookout for it because it will officially be up after Thanksgiving Break. Stay tune for more updates! :)

Monday, November 20, 2017

Ackley Attack TV at RetroGameCon 2017!!! (AFTERMATH)

Hey, everyone! I wanted to get this out to everyone of you and say it was great seeing all of you at RetroGameCon this year and not to mention, thank you so much for coming up to me and say hi to me. I absolutely cannot wait for next year and we shall see what they'll have for all of us. And don't worry, my vlog on this con will be up soon. Sometime after Thanksgiving break. ;) #RetroGameCon5 #RetroGameCon
Featuring, Pat the NES Punk, Rerez, Destinyamber, Grimsie42, Master Daniel Pesina, John Parrish, and many more I met at the con.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Cosplayers get ready for RetroGameCon 5 in Syracuse | The NewsHouse | Syracuse University and Community News - S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Cosplayers get ready for RetroGameCon 5 in Syracuse | The NewsHouse | Syracuse University and Community News - S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Aaron Halls​ of The NewsHouse, recently posted this article on cosplay as we are still prepping for RetroGameCon this year. And guess what, I'm part of this article somewhere. You'll have to see it to find out. Thank you once again for the interview, Aaron if you are reading this and the article turned out great. Hope to see you at a future con someday. ;)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 42: ...

BIG NEWS! Episode 42 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Stepney Gets Lost" has finally reached over 8,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Monday, November 13, 2017

Ackleyattack4427's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4 Reviews ...

BIG NEWS! My review on the episode from Season 4 of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," "Bats" has finally reached over 1,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)

Sunday, November 12, 2017

See Ackleyattack4427 at RetroGameCon 2017!

Ash Ketchum from "Pokémon" is here to talk to you about Ackleyattack4427's upcoming appearance at RetroGameCon 2017! Click on the video to see what he has to say! Enjoy! =)

Friday, November 10, 2017

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 13 - RetroGameCon 2015 Haul

Episode 13 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is finally here! This time, we take a look at what Ben got while he was at RetroGameCon 2015. Enjoy! ;)

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 12 - Tora-Con 2015 Haul

Episode 12 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is finally here! This time, we take a look at all of the stuff Ben bought while he was at Tora-Con 2015. Enjoy! ;)

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 22: ...

On this day, 4 years ago, Episode 22 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Granpuff made it's debut onto YouTube! =)

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 11 - Anime Boston 2015 Haul

Episode 11 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is finally here! This time, we take a look at all the stuff Ben bought while he was at Anime Boston 2015. Enjoy! ;)

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 10 - RetroGameCon 2014 Haul

Episode 10 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is finally here! This time, we take a look at all of the stuff that Ben has got at his 2nd con he went to, RetroGameCon 2014. Enjoy! ;)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ackleyattack4427 Does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

BIG NEWS!!! My ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video has finally reached over 2,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 9 - Anime Syracuse 2013 Haul

Episode 9 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is finally here! This time, we start a new series of videos on the show where we look at the stuff Ben bought at local conventions. Enjoy! =)

Monday, November 6, 2017

Pokemon The Movie: I Choose You Review

Well, guys. My birthday will soon be coming to a close and it's great for me to be turning 22 years today. In honor of this, I had the high honor to go see a new movie through Fathom Events, that being the newest installment in the Pokemon movies known only as, "Pokemon The Movie: I Choose You." What do I think of this movie? Well, not since The Peanuts Movie have I ever experienced anything like this. This movie was incredible! The story did stay true to the original while doing it's own thing to make it stand on it's own, the characters are much more interesting, the writing, whether it be the original Japanese version or the English dub, and yes, the one I saw was the English dub, while does have a few weak spots, still is crafted out well, the animation was very sharp and very complex, the battles in each was choreographed well, the editing is very well organized and most importantly, you know those shows, movies and comics that has like a million parallel universes? Well, this movie does feel like one of those really awesome movies that has one of those parallel universes. Not a replacement to the original, just a different version. Is it perfect? No, there are some problems I have with this movie. For one, I do understand that Team Rocket was only there just to,...well, be there, I was rather confused on who the villain was. Either Closs or MiShadow. For while I do have a reason to hate Closs, I don't think he's very interesting and doesn't have any idea on being a good villain or even a good strong character. That doesn't make the climax at the end bad, nor even make a few moments at the end seem like REALLY good sad departures, I just don't even know who was a good strong villain. So, overall, "Pokemon The Movie: I Choose You" is an impressive retelling on the original Pokemon story we know and love. And hey, it's another one of those remakes where you will see how it compares to the original. What do the changes they made differ to something we know and love. Are you opened to the change or is it something that they should leave good enough alone. But I digress. So, with that being said, I give this new Pokemon movie an 8.5 out of 10. I guess if anything, this is now my 2nd favorite Pokemon movie where "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" is still my #1 favorite overall. But this was a great experience in my opinion. This movie has the same feel as both "Thomas & Friends: The Adventure Begins" and "Sailor Moon Crystal." It does have problems, but they are great alternatives to the original that we know and can compare to see how it holds between the two. So this movie does fall in that category, it's a great reboot to watch despite it's flaws. So, all I can say is, grab your Pokeball and see it for yourself by the time it comes out to DVD. And yes, it only has a few days in theaters, but still never the less, go ahead and go see it. ;)

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 8 - Ben's Cosplay Birthday Party (11/...

The long-awaited 8th episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is finally here! Enjoy! ;)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

See Ackleyattack4427 at RetroGameCon 2017!!!

Hey, everyone! I'm here to confirm that I'm officially coming back to RetroGameCon this year as a regular attendee as usual, and this time, coming back from a 1-year hiatus, I'm gonna go cosplaying as Ash Ketchum from "Pokémon" there. The event will be taking place at the OnCenter Convention Center up in Syracuse, NY on November 18-19, 2017, so I'll be there on Saturday, November 18th ONLY. So, if you get a chance, then feel free to come up to me and say hi! Plus, I'm giving away business cards to advertise my YouTube channel if you see me there. See you there! ;)

2nd Sneak Peek to Part 2 of Season 3 of Thomas' Adventures with SamTheTh...

Still waiting for Season 3 to come out? Well, here's another sneak peek to one of the episodes for Part 2 of Season 3 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" for you guys to watch! Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 32: ...

BIG NEWS! Episode 32 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Escape" has finally reached over 7,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Friday, November 3, 2017

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 44: ...

BIG NEWS! Episode 44 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Snow" has finally reached over 7,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Sailor Moon vs. Sailor Moon Crystal UPDATE!!!

Sailor Moon vs. Sailor Moon Crystal UPDATE:
We're proud to announce that we've officially wrapped up production on our upcoming "Sailor Moon vs. Sailor Moon Crystal" video and we will start post-production and we will have the video out by the end of this year. Stay tune for more updates! :)

Family Movie Collaboration - Episode 9 - The Top 10 Best Animes of All Time

On this day, 2 years ago, Episode 9 of "Family Movie Collaboration" on The Top 10 Best Animes of All Time made it's debut onto YouTube! =)

Thursday, November 2, 2017

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 5 - Ben's "Welcome to Cape May" Gift ...

On this day, 1 year ago, the Follow-Up video to Episode 5 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" made it's debut onto YouTube! =)

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 21: ...

On this day, 4 years ago, Episode 21 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Rusty to the Rescue" made it's debut onto YouTube! =)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Funtime Kid Video: Mickey Mouse (FULL VHS)

Wow. I remembered seeing this VHS tape when I was a little kid back when my grandmother was around. It's great seeing it after a long time. :)

Family Movie Collaboration - Episode 5 - Planes

On this day, 4 years ago, Episode 5 of "Family Movie Collaboration" made it's debut onto YouTube! =)

Ackley Attack TV Updates: Syracuse Collectors Con 2025, T&F: IoSA, FMC, ...

A brand new update video is officially up! We get ourselves in on what will go down for 2025 this year in terms of video projects, what show...

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