Thursday, May 26, 2022

SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions - 10 Year Milestone!!! :D


Today marks exactly 10 years since me and one of my friends and fellow collaborators on YouTube, Sam Tindal, aka SamTheThomasFan1 created our 2-member channel together known as SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions, which was made for our collaborative project for a decade now, "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427." Since then, it has grown by a ton, both literally and metaphorically, with not only new videos and shows added in such as "Family Movie Collaboration" and any miscellaneous videos and let's not forget from last year, both "Sam Reacts" and "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode," but also has gained halfway towards 2,000 subscribers so far and we'll soon be on its way towards a million views. Sure, we did deal with a lot of copyright issues and even issues with YouTube entirely and SamTheThomasFan1 is currently not active online as he was earlier, but we're still keeping the channel strong and going and hope to keep on going for the next 10 years to come with whatever we got next. :)

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