Sunday, January 23, 2022

COSPLAY UPDATE: Barbara (Ballerina) - Genshin Impact


Hey, guys. Sorry if I didn't get any pictures today, but I want to give you guys an update on what's going on with my new cosplay idea, which is Barbara from Genshin Impact, as a Ballerina. Right now, we were expecting to stop in at Magpie Custom Creations in Cortland for an appointment we've booked to finally continue working on it, but a couple of setbacks prevented all of that from happening. However, we've made good progress right now by working on an under skirt for the main Tutu skirt for it with some blue fabric which we can tell, is looking good so far. Right now, our main focus is to get it done by finishing up the skirt entirely and we'll stop in at Magpie to work on the top bodice pieces which will be promising for sure. Unless some things to it entirely changes, we'll be sure to keep you updated on that. ;)

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