Monday, September 20, 2021

NEWEST COSPLAY - Barbara (Summertime Sparkle) - Genshin Impact


Well, what better way to get back home from my class at college today than by doing what I love for sure, show off and reveal a brand new cosplay that I’ve recently put together. So for this one, it’s not only on a different variation of a cosplay I’ve already done, but it’s time we return to this adorable Church Deaconess from the Church of Favonius and Shining Idol of Mondstadt herself, which is Barbara from Genshin Impact.
Yep. Ever since back several months ago that I got the chance to cosplay as her and not to mention the reactions I got on this one being so great (Which goes to show that this “Artistic Experiment” is indeed a success), it lead me to not only do more cosplays in this style on top of what I normally do in terms of my cosplays, but also try my hand at doing different variations of her. And what better way to start that off by doing my first variation of Barbara is on her swimsuit outfit from Version 1.6 of the game that debuted not too long ago which goes by the name, Summertime Sparkle.
Now, I will say on top of her regular Church Deaconess outfit in the game, I was very fascinated by her swimsuit outfit and it is pretty cute from when I first saw it. So, a lot of people I’ve seen wanted me to try out her swimsuit outfit for a while and I decided to go for it. It’s been a long time coming as it only took me a couple months to wait for everything I need to arrive after I ordered them and had to go through chances that were far different than what I originally thought. But regardless, I still think it was worth it and I’m impressed with what I got. Sure, it’s been a long time coming and I know it’s a rather late one for me at this time, but hey, we all know the old saying: better late than never.
Much like my regular Barbara cosplay, I can’t wait to debut this one at a convention very soon. Particularly, the ones during the summer time and close to water given to the main idea of a swimsuit cosplay. Which does make sense.
Until then, I’m impressed with what I got for this one despite setbacks and I’m glad to do my first variation of my Barbara cosplay. And I can’t wait to do hopefully more when the time comes. Speaking of which, now that this one is done, I’m already setting my eyes to do another variation of my Barbara cosplay that I got in the works for a while now, which is on her as a Ballerina. That one, I’m sure will be a great one once it’s ready and I’m quite curious to see how it turns out once I show it off. But until that happens, we might as well let this version of Barbara not only relive the last of summer as much as it can, but will certainly be ready for her special Summertime performance for next time. :)

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