Thursday, October 5, 2017

What's RUINING Teen Titans? (The Hidden Truth)

Okay, I need to get this out to all of you guys. For me personally, Teen Titans Go is a pretty bad show on Cartoon Network in my opinion, but I can't go as far as to say it's the worst show I've seen. I mean, there are other TV shows I've seen that are way worse that I've seen. I love the original Teen Titans cartoon and it's one of those shows I grew up with. So, for while I thought Teen Titans Go is pretty bad and betrayed everything that's good about the original, I will agree that it's incredibly annoying to have it play all of the time on Cartoon Network and I will admit, for while the controversy on the show makes sense on how bad it is, I think it's getting out of hand. So, if you want to see on how the original Teen Titans got replaced with what we got now, then watch this video by Saberspark. It goes into great detail on what was going on with all of this. Check it out and see for yourself. ;)

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