Sunday, December 22, 2024


Well, I've been holding myself back from talking about this, but given from what I've seen, it's time for me to start speaking out about this.

Now, if you've been following me on my YouTube channel, I've been making videos ever since the very beginning and since then, I've been wanting to grow and evolve my crafts when it comes to my videos. Including of which, to upgrade my camera and lighting equipment in order to give the quality a massive step up. I've been wanting to keep that going to help match with the times, including one that I want to mention.

Since 2012, I've managed to get myself an HD camcorder as a Christmas present which is the Canon Vixia HF R30 HD Camcorder and I've been using it ever since and really worked well for my videos since then. But nowadays, since like 2018, that camcorder I've used is starting to show its age, with the plug for the charging cable being the camera's life support, the base for it broken off to even the LED screen glitching out to where I can see myself and everything that I'm filming with it is upside down. I knew it might've happen back in 2018, might have something to do with a bit of rain water getting into it when I was filming during my time at Tora-Con that said year. But it does show that camera I've mentioned is showing its age and might be on the verge of kicking the bucket.

So, with that said, I'm looking into getting a new camera to film my videos for a long time and if I were to go for a new one, I have tons of options. One of which that peaks my interest is a new Canon XA60 Professional UHD 4K Camcorder. Sure, it would cost tons of money to get one of these as price wise, it's in the 4-digit mark, but if I do want to step up and evolve my quality, I figured this would be a good one for me to go for.

It'll be like when VD sent me the Canon EOS Rebel T6 camera that I've used for my recent cosplay pictures and if you've took a look at the ones I did this year, you'll see that the pictures so far came out great. So, I can argue the same case for this one. But hey, as long as I'll get enough from my job and even make more on my Patreon, I'll be in a good place.

I'm not holding myself back from this because if I want my channel to grow and evolve, I knew I'm not gonna stick with the same equipment over and over again. I need to make massive changes to my quality in order to stay relevant. ;)

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