Monday, August 5, 2024

NEW COSPLAY ANNOUNCEMENT: Ruby Rose & Lie Ren (Ballet) - "RWBY"


Well, guys. I’ve been holding myself back on this for a couple weeks now, but I might as well give out this right now, because I’ve got a couple new cosplay ideas that I’m sharing right now that I’ve got in the works.
Not too long ago, a podcast I’m currently part of, in light of a new season they’ve confirmed as we speak, is currently working on a new Team RWBY and Team JNPR Cosplay Group they’re gonna do online, with the inclusion of meeting at a convention in person, but the biggest surprise is that it’ll be entirely Ballet themed. That alone got me excited and I’ve decided to jump on board and be part of it.
Hence why I’m confirming right now that for my next couple of cosplays I’m in the works to get going are Ballet versions of both of my RWBY cosplays I’ve got, Ruby Rose and Lie Ren. And of course, I’ve laid out on how it’s gonna turn out.
For Ruby’s Ballerina outfit, I’m gonna go the same route as my Beacon Dance outfit that I did last year and have the outfit itself be like a regular Ballet performance outfit. Complete with a Red Ballerina outfit with the Leotard/Bodice with a Tutu on it with Ruby’s Emblem attached onto the outfit, a Tiara with Red Rhinestones, Black Dance Tights and Ballet slippers that I found on Amazon that I’ll find the right size for me and customize to make it a nice pair of Red Ballet slippers for Ruby. While for Lie Ren, I’ll keep it as a regular Men’s Ballet attire for practice.
The pictures I’m sharing in this post will showcase a blueprint for what I think they’ll look like and I’ve managed to find what I need so far online and hope to finally buy them to get them going. I can’t wait to do these two and of course, I’d be up for more Ballet cosplays on top of the future ones I’ve got planned. So, it’ll be interesting to get those going. Fighting off the Creatures of Grimm through some nice fouettés.
Let me know what you think and how excited you are as I am to see these happening. ;)

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