Monday, August 14, 2023



Well, given for the fact that I’ve got a lot of cosplays coming up, there is one thing that I’ve noticed that I think will work not just for one of my cosplays I’ve got planned out, but also be a great addition to one I currently got as an alternative.
You see, as I stated from some time ago, given to how well one of my cosplays did which is my Ballerina Barbara cosplay since last year, I’ve decided to expand and try out more Ballet themed cosplays I’ve got planned out which are Princess Tutu, Star Guardian Orianna and one of new additions to my Ballerina Barbara cosplay, which is Barbara’s Ballet Practice Outfit. I’m excited to work on those later on once my cosplays I got beforehand are done first. And while doing so, I did look on Amazon and found some nice Ballet slippers to choose from.
The 4 I found as of now are the Canvas Ballet Slippers by OLORA, the Split Sole Canvas Ballet Slippers by Danzcue, and the two biggest ones by far, the Daisy Ballet Slippers by Capezio and the Dansoft Full Sole Leather Ballet Slippers by Bloch. The latter of which is also recommended to me for when I’ll work on my Star Guardian Orianna cosplay later on.
Right now, I did a fine job finding the best ones and since it’ll not only be good fits and choices for Barbara’s Ballet Practice Outfit, but also be good alternate pairs to my Ballerina Barbara cosplay and the same argument for both Princess Tutu and Orianna. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still make great use for the Ballet slippers from GrandGear on Etsy and I’m looking forward to my new pair coming up, but I think the ones I found would also work as alternate pairs as well. Great way for me to go back and forth. So, it’ll be like on how I got the Warm Up Boot Covers and the pointe shoe bag as a good start to expand on my Ballerina Barbara cosplay in a way.
We’ll see on that, but until then, especially with my cosplays I’ve got coming up, especially with help from both my grandmother and Stacey at Magpie later on, it’ll be great.
So either way, really proud with what I found and if I do get any of them, it’s gotta require a lot of measurements to find the right shoe size for me to be in them. But it’ll be amazing. ;)

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