Friday, April 21, 2023

My Rant Against Mattel's Actions (STILL)


(Sigh) I'm so sick of what Mattel is doing still. And given to what's going on with my 2nd channel as of now, especially the really great growth its getting as of this month, I'm concerned about its future. You see, last night, I tried to submit an appeal against one of the claims Mattel has given to one of my videos I did years ago to get it back online with the correct pieces of evidence to back it up to show it falls under Fair Use (Which by the way, the title of the video shows that it's a commentary with me talking over the video), only to find that Mattel rejected it and will issue a strike on my 2nd channel around the same time the appeal is about to end within a week which is where I hoped it'll be back online fully. But luckily, I did cancel that appeal before it can happen. Seems like what I've said in my 2 rant videos against Mattel might be correct that they don't care about Thomas content creators on YouTube and really is going against videos on YouTube that fall under Fair Use whether it be reviews, parody videos, or any educational videos on the original Thomas the Tank Engine series. Thinking that AEG is the only thing that should be associated to Thomas, which we know it's not true. At this point, I've been trying everything that I can to get all of my videos on my 2nd channel that are currently blocked worldwide back online and viewable again for the public as it was before all of this happened. And it's saying a whole lot seeing on how Season 3 of my Thomas redub series, "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode" is currently scheduled to be released next month and it may be at risk if nothing is done. At this point, I really wish I could use some help to get this situation taken care of and get my channel back to normal. That's how desperate I'm getting. No joke, it's getting so bad, I really need help to get my 2nd channel back to normal and have all of my videos back online.

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