Friday, January 6, 2023

NEWEST COSPLAY: Ruby Rose (Beacon Dance) - RWBY


Well, with the new year comes a new set of cosplays for me to show off, and this one I've been wanting to show off for a long time now. And of course, it's time for me to show off my newest cosplay following up to my Christmas Barbara cosplay. I've completed this one alongside the latter and it's the perfect comeback to one I haven't done in a while.
With that being said, let's return to the World of Remnant as it's time to reveal my newest cosplay, which is, my newest take on my Gender-Bent Ruby Rose cosplay, but on my take on her outfit for the Beacon Dance.
Yep, it has been a long time since I did anything revolving around my Gender-Bent Ruby Rose cosplay as the last one was my take on her Mistral outfit as I hoped to put together my take on her Slayer outfit with my grandmother, but unfortunately, with the materials I've got, we never got it going due to the pandemic. So, until then, I decided to try this one as it's on my mind for a while. Again, originally wanted to do this different with a suit and tie, but because of how well my Barbara cosplay, I decided to do this cosplay as it is.
With what we've put together, I'm impressed on how this turned out. It was a challenge to figure this out, but I'm impressed. Not only on how it's similar to the show, but with the addition of the headband with roses, the Sailor Mars shoes with the fake roses on the front and still look great in dance tights still makes it impressive.
I'm very happy with this cosplay in the end and I'll be looking forward to wearing this at a future convention coming up. My character may not be a good dancer, but I'm certain to give a good time with this. But I still need to talk to Yang about how Weiss fights in these. ;)

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