We’ve now posted the teaser for the upcoming teaser trailer for Season 2 of “Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode” onto the SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions YouTube channel. Go check it out and be on the lookout for it. ;)
Welcome to Ackley Attack TV's official blog. Much like our social media pages, we give updates, announcements and new releases of our shows and videos. So, what are you waiting for, start following us today.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode Season 2 - Teaser Trailer Tease (HD)
A brand new trailer tease is officially up! This time, we hype ourselves up before Summer of 2022 coming up as we present the teaser for the teaser trailer for Season 2 of “Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode.” Enjoy! ;)
Monday, November 29, 2021
WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 2 - TOMY Plarail Henry
BIG NEWS! Episode 2 of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" has finally reached over 4,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Sunday, November 28, 2021
NEW COSPLAY UPDATE: Barbara (Ballerina) - Genshin Impact
Hey, guys. I felt that I wanted to give you guys an update on my newest cosplay, which is Barbara from Genshin Impact as a Ballerina. Right now, for while we got part of the skirt done with a little bit more work on it coming up, sadly, we'll push back work on it until January of 2022 coming up next year. But don't be too sad, as we're still working on it and we can guarantee that it'll come out great. Even though we no longer have it ready by next month just in time for Christmas, we'll still have it as my newest cosplay for 2022 for sure, with plenty others coming up around the same year as well. Until then, with what we got, we're excited to have it ready soon and show it off to all of you once it is. Especially on how we're excited to work with Magpie in Cortland to continue with what we got. So, be on the lookout for any future updates/progress on this newest cosplay coming up soon. ;)
Well, looks like I have what I need. Thanks to one of my friends, Leah Ayers (Glynoyri) who has been having the time of her life playing Genshin Impact since I have yet to play it myself soon once I get my hands on it, she was able to grab some screenshots of one of the characters that I have yet to cosplay as, Amber. They look incredible and are exactly what I need and she was a big help to me. Now, I just need to submit them in for a commission on FM-Anime's website and we'll finally have an official costume for her. And for that, I'll shoot to have Amber be my cosplay for 2022 next year. Either way, I can't wait. :)
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Encanto - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we bring the entire family with magical gifts as we talk about the latest animated feature film from Disney, "Encanto." Enjoy! ;)
Friday, November 26, 2021
$456,000 Squid Game In Real Life!
Wow! MrBeast took the time to recreate everything in Squid Game. That is amazing and I'm thrilled to see it turn out great. If there is an actual recreation of Squid Game in my area, I would love to participate in that. :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Dear Evan Hansen | Extended Clip | Evan's First Day Of School
Really like this extended clip from the Dear Evan Hansen movie. I'll admit, the sound mixing is pretty much a mess and couldn't hear Ben Platt sing, but still good. Can't wait for it to come out onto Blu-ray and I would love to own it on Blu-ray. :)
Sing 2 - Final Trailer [HD]
We got the final trailer for "Sing 2" and it looks interesting. Really love the idea for the story of it, the characters are likable right about now and the animation and the soundtrack are pretty good. Can't wait to see it this Christmas. :)
Ackleyattack4427 Cosplaying as Barbara from "Genshin Impact" Practicing ...
A brand new video is officially up! This time, not only directed from TikTok, but also as a teaser for my next cosplay, we see yours truly once again cosplaying as Barbara from Genshin Impact practicing her Ballet Dancing. Enjoy! ;)
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS – Official Trailer
Well, we got an official trailer for "DC League of Super-Pets" and I'll admit, the casting and the animation looks good, but the rest pretty much feels very muddled and pretty clumsy. But we shall wait and see by the time it comes out next year. :)
The Prologue - Jurassic World Dominion
Well, the 5 minute long preview for "Jurassic World: Dominion" made it's way online and it looks amazing. It's suspenseful, atmospheric, intense and really knew what it's going for. I absolutely can't wait to see it next year because it'll be great. :)
Monday, November 22, 2021
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 25: ...
BIG NEWS! Episode 25 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "You Can't Win" has finally reached over 7,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we get our proton packs and hop back into Ecto-1 as we take a look at the latest installment in the Ghostbusters movies none other than, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife." Enjoy! ;)
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021) - Ackleyattack4427’s Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we dive back into Netflix as we talk about the latest movie musical based on part of the life of Jonathan Larson which is, "Tick, Tick... Boom!" Enjoy! ;)
Friday, November 19, 2021
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 - The Comple...
Thank you all so much for tuning into the premiere of the entire complete 1st season of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" tonight. It's now up as a regular video right now and go check it out for yourself. ;)
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 - The Comple...
Hey, guys. We're less than an hour away towards the premiere of the entire complete 1st season of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427." So, go click on the link and get yourself ready for this special event. ;)
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 - The Comple...
Hey, guys. Just as a friendly reminder, we're less than 24 hours away towards the premiere of all 3 seasons of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," entirely complete, starting with Season 1 tomorrow. Mark it on your calendars because it's gonna be worth the wait. ;)
Spider-Man: No Way Home 2nd Trailer Reaction - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we get ourselves hyped even more as we talk about the 2nd trailer for the next MCU installment, "Spider-Man: No Way Home." Enjoy! ;)
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 51: ...
BIG NEWS! Episode 51 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," Happy Ever After" has finally reached over 3,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)
Ackleyattack4427 Cosplaying as Barbara from "Genshin Impact" preforming ...
A brand new video is officially up! This time, directly from TikTok, we present me once again, cosplaying as Barbara from Genshin Impact as she preforms her rendition of the Love Live song, "Snow Halation." Enjoy! ;)
Turning Red | Official Trailer
Well, we got a new trailer for "Turning Red" and it looks stunning. Really love the fun ideas, the animation is absolutely amazing and I love the direction it's going for. Absolutely can't wait to see it next year because it's one Pixar movie that'll be worth it. :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - Official Trailer (HD)
We got a brand new trailer for "Spider-Man: No Way Home" and it looks amazing! Got new details, new looks at the villains and even new footage to further this movie's plot line in general. I'm absolutely looking forward to seeing this next month. :D
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl - Overview Trailer -...
So excited for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl to come out, and this overview trailer is proof of exactly that. I love the original Pokemon Diamond and Pearl when I played the former, and I can't wait for this new one. :)
The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2 | RAPHTALIA TRAILER
Really love this trailer for Season 2 of The Rising of the Shield Hero devoted to Raphtalia and I can't wait to see what goes down. I still have yet to get my Naofumi cosplay going, but I'm really looking forward to the new season of this. :)
Monday, November 15, 2021
Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock — Official Teaser | Apple TV+
We got ourselves an official teaser for "Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock" and it looks amazing. I am highly interesting in checking this one out to see how it compares to the original. This is one trip down to Fraggle Rock that I won't miss. :)
Halo the Series | First Teaser | Paramount+
Okay, I'm no big fan or a fan of the Halo games, but this teaser for this new Halo series coming onto Paramount+ somehow looks pretty interesting. Won't be until next year, but this does peek my curiosity. :)
DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA - Official Teaser Trailer [HD] - Only in Theate...
Well, we got a teaser trailer for "Downton Abbey: A New Era" and it looks interesting. Even though I never saw the show, let alone the first movie, it's quite an interesting, yet elegant one from what I heard. Quite curious about this one. :)
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Dear Evan Hansen | Waving Through a Window Lyric Video
Really love this lyric video for "Waving Through a Window" a ton. And interesting to say, even though the movie version of Dear Evan Hansen isn't good, I seem to gain a strong love for it regardless. And with it coming out onto Blu-ray this December, I guess I'll appreciate the film for what it's trying to be regardless. And hey, I won't mind having the movie on Blu-ray anyways. Even the soundtrack to this. :)
Home Sweet Home Alone - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we take a look at the latest Home Alone sequels and the first one released by Disney via Disney+ which is equal as worse as 3 and 4, "Home Sweet Home Alone." Enjoy! ;)
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 - The Comple...
Hey, guys. Just as a friendly reminder, we're officially start premiering all 3 seasons of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" in their entirety on the SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions YouTube channel, starting with Season 1 in less than a week from now at 6:00 PM EST. So, go and click on the link and set the reminders for it on to get yourself fully prepared. Stay tune! ;)
Well, I wish I would've seen it earlier, but the trailer for Season 4 of "Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous" looks pretty interesting. I'm quite curious to see where this series will go for to explore new ideas. Can't wait to see it. :)
The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder | Official Trailer | Disney+
We got a trailer for "The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder" and it looks amazing. I love the original Proud Family as a kid and I can't wait to see this new one to help re-capture my childhood. Really excited for this one. :)
Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021) - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we'll see if this family pet is very welcoming or will it require a whole lot more training by taking a look at the big screen epic adventure, "Clifford the Big Red Dog." Enjoy! ;)
Friday, November 12, 2021
Version 2.3 "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Trailer | Genshin Impact
Well, we got a trailer for Version 2.3 of "Genshin Impact" and it looks amazing. Looks like we're getting new characters and new additions to the main storyline, which makes it all the more great. Really excited for this one. :)
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild | Teaser Trailer | Disney+
Well, we got a teaser trailer for "The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild" and it looks fun, but it also feels a bit off. Then again, I do prefer the first Ice Age movie over the sequels, but I digress. We shall wait and see on this one. :)
Baymax! | Official Trailer | Disney+
Well, in honor of Disney+ Day today, we got a trailer for the new show, "Baymax!" and it looks amazing. Looks unbelievable and looks pretty hilarious while keeping true to Big Hero 6. Can't wait to see it. :)
WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 85 - Ben's Birthday (11/6/2021) Haul
A brand new episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is officially up! This time, we dive into the presents that I got for my Birthday this year. Enjoy! ;)
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
NEW COSPLAY UPDATE: Barbara (Ballerina) - Genshin Impact
Well, as many of you guys know, we've finally got started work on Barbara from Genshin Impact as a Ballerina and we're already excited to get it going for some time. To go alongside the official design that we've chosen for it, we've also added something extra to it, which thanks to one of my friends who suggested it, we're gonna put a gold bow to place on the lower back where the Mondstadt Hydro Vision is gonna go right on the center of the bow. We're also gonna go for alterations in addition to it, but it's still gonna be great. We'll let you know on any other progress we'll make with it. ;)
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Let Barbara perform a Christmas song for you!~ #genshinimpact #barbara
Is it just me or would I love to do Barbara's Christmas outfit as another version of one of my cosplays, Barbara from Genshin Impact that I would love to do after I finish up with her as a Ballerina? Because I do based on what Uwowo Cosplay showed off. :)
Monday, November 8, 2021
Well, we got the final trailer for "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" and I'm still absolutely excited for this. We're more than a week away and I can't wait to see it. It's truly gonna be a good experience for me as bustin' makes me feel good. ;)
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Eternals - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts
A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we dive into the latest movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that has got the opposite reaction than all of the other movies in the MCU, "Eternals." Enjoy! ;)
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Happy Birthday, Ackleyattack4427! (2021)
A brand new video is officially up! This time, we present all of the engines in the Steam Team as they wish yours truly a Happy Birthday! Big thanks to DLTBerkshire, Del Marr Mullins and CastaMelody for being part of this with me. Enjoy! ;)
Thursday, November 4, 2021
8-BIT CHRISTMAS – Official Trailer
Well, we got a trailer for HBO Max's movie, "8-Bit Christmas" and it looks interesting. It's like A Christmas Story mixed in with The Wizard. And as someone who gets Nintendo games for Christmas each year, I can relate. Can't wait. :)
Well, we got a new trailer for "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City" and again, it's not something I'm interested, but I wouldn't say it's bad. Nor even good either. But hey, it's what I would expect from this. But we shall see. :)
Sing 2 - Official Trailer 2 [HD]
We got ourselves a new trailer for "Sing 2" and it does look interesting like the first one. Really loving what I'm seeing and I can't wait to see it. Right now, already planning on watching the first film to get myself prepared, because I can't wait. :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Aw, that's so cute for the official Japanese VA for Tohru from "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" is seen cosplaying as Tohru from that said show. It's just so amazing and I think that should happen more often, both Japanese VA's and English Dub VA's. :)
MORBIUS - Official Trailer (HD)
At long last, after a long time, we officially got a new trailer for "Morbius" and it looks alright. Visually, it looks good and proves both great action and a dark atmosphere, while the rest is average at best. Still can't wait to see it regardless. :)
Monday, November 1, 2021
The Book of Boba Fett | Official Trailer | Disney+
Well, we officially got a trailer for the new Star Wars show, "The Book of Boba Fett" and it looks awesome. Looking action packed, full of great and interesting characters and still has everything I love about Star Wars. I can't wait to see this. :)
MORBIUS Vignette - Who Is Morbius?
Well, it has been a long while since we've seen anything related to "Morbius," and this new vignette ahead of it's new trailer tomorrow is giving us something new with it. New footage, new details and a confirmed PG-13 rating for it. Can't wait. :)
Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode UPDATE!!!
Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode UPDATE:
We're happy to announce that we've officially gotten started today on post-production of Season 2 of "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode" with plans still moving forward on releasing it during the Summer of 2022. Stay tune for more updates! ;)
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Ackley Attack TV Updates: Syracuse Collectors Con 2025, T&F: IoSA, FMC, ...
A brand new update video is officially up! We get ourselves in on what will go down for 2025 this year in terms of video projects, what show...

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