Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Genshin Impact Themed Masks - IDEA!!!


Well, never thought about this, but I might as well bring this up. As many of you are fully aware, the Delta variant of COVID-19 is on the rise and there's a strong chance that people who are fully vaccinated, myself included, could be at risk of breakthrough cases. But mainly, for the people who didn't get the vaccine. I do hope this problem will get resolved soon and the best way to do so is to get the vaccine right away. Plus, there's news on booster shots on the way that'll also help combat it and of course, put an official end to this pandemic. Because remember, vaccines save lives while disinformation is as deadly as the actual virus. But on the bright side, I've seen online that conventions are officially coming back and for while I am shooting to return to them in 2022 next year, I am excited to do so around that time. But while doing so, there's something I thought of. In case of the safety protocols regarding the virus, I'm thinking of showing off my cosplays while to go alongside them, include COVID-19 masks themed to the characters I'm cosplaying as. For while I do want to keep myself safe, I also felt that it'll be fantastic to have masks themed to my cosplays. To help understand that as an example is that I've created 3 masks via Vistaprint and they're showcased in some previews on that said website that helped matched where I'm looking for, all of them themed to Genshin Impact. The first one is on an Anemo Element Mask for Venti, the 2nd being a Hydro Element Mask for Barbara, and seeing on how I have yet to do Amber soon, I've also made a Pyro Element Mask for that. It took me a while to get it all figured out, but I think these previews look great and for while I love theming them, I know for sure that I do want to be safe while having fun. Let me know what you guys think. ;)

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