Tuesday, June 22, 2021

NEWEST COSPLAY: Alan Stuart - My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!


Well, looks like it's time for me to officially show off a brand new cosplay that I've put together, all revealed in these pictures I recently took. This time, it's on one of the characters from a show I saw last year and enjoyed that I've been meaning to cosplay as. With that being said, time for me to get myself looking fancy as I cosplay as a capture character from the Otome game, Fortune Lover.

Yep, much like my Kotaro Tatsumi cosplay, I've been waiting to cosplay as him alongside a few others later on for a good long year now and now is the right time for it. Here I am cosplaying as Alan Stuart from "My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!" I've been wanting to cosplay as him alongside Geordo Stuart, Keith Claes, Nicol Ascart and Sirius Dieke ever since I started watching the show last year as I do find it to be quite interesting, funny and very elegant. Quite literally given to the time period the game in the show takes place in. Thankfully, seeing on how Season 2 is coming next month, I made good timing in getting this cosplay going. So, I can't wait to see how that turns out and see if it's as good as the first.
Until then, seeing on how I'm glad to get this cosplay finished, I'm excited to debut this at a future convention sometime soon and hopefully, meet up with other My Next Life as a Villainess cosplayers. And hey, if I'm lucky given to the character I'm dressed up as, I'll meet up with someone as his fiancé, Mary Hunt. Seriously, these two are just so cute together.
But still, right until that happens, I'm glad on how well this cosplay turned out and I would put it alongside my Barbara cosplay as one of my favorites I've put together this year. I'm happy the way it turned out and it's a great one that you'll literally fall in love with as much as me. :)

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