Sunday, October 30, 2022

蜜月アン・ドゥ・トロワ 踊ってみた Honeymoon Un Deux Trois | Barbara (Ballerina) - Genshi...

A brand new video is officially up! This time, we take our 1st attempt at a Cosplay Dance Video with me cosplaying as Barbara as a Ballerina to the song, "Honeymoon Un Deux Trios." Big thanks to Heroes and Villains for letting us make this. Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, October 29, 2022

SeaWorld "Believe" - Full Complete Soundtrack (HD)

BIG NEWS! The complete soundtrack to the SeaWorld show, "Believe" has finally reached over 20,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)

Wendell & Wild - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we dive back into Netflix as we talk about their latest film which also marks the return of stop-motion animation director, Henry Selick, "Wendell & Wild." Enjoy! ;)

Friday, October 28, 2022


Happy Anniversary, Hazbin Hotel! Really love the pilot ever since I first viewed it and now, I'm excited for the full-on series to come from A24. Big congrats to VivziePop for making it this far and I wish her the best of luck. ;)

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 9: P...

BIG NEWS! Episode 9 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Percy and Harold" has finally reached over 6,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Thomas & Friends: The Great Discovery - Full Complete Soundtrack (HD)

BIG NEWS! The complete soundtrack to the Thomas & Friends movie, "The Great Discovery" has finally reached over 20,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other videos. :)

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Character Teaser - "Nahida: Happy Birthday" | Genshin Impact

Aw, still can't get enough of these character teasers for Genshin Impact, and this one for Nahida is without a doubt the most adorable one of all. It's just so cute to see Nahida in this and it's just a delight to look at. :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Ackleyattack4427 Tries Pumpkin Carving & Makes a Jack-O-Lantern

A brand new video is officially up! This time, we take on a Halloween tradition in this latest video as we try carving a pumpkin and make it into a nice Jack-O-Lantern. Go check it out and see how it all went down. Enjoy! ;)

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

69th Video of 2022: Tomy/Trackmaster T&F Remake - Wilbert the Forest Eng...

Now, Part 2 of the Wilbert the Forest Engine remake is up and I can confirm right here and now, that I am in it as Mike, Rex and Bert. Again, big special thanks to Trainboy54 for letting me part of it and I'm glad it's finally out now. :)

68th Video of 2022: Tomy/Trackmaster T&F Remake - Wilbert the Forest Eng...

YAY! It's finally out! For those who don't know, Part 1 of a remake of Wilbert the Forest Engine is officially up and yours truly is in it. I won't say who, but it'll be really amazing. Big thanks to Trainboy54 for letting me be part of it. :)

Marvel Studios’ Special Presentation: The Guardians of the Galaxy Holida...

Well, we got a trailer for "The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special" and it looks incredible. Kept true on the fun and interesting style of Guardians of the Galaxy, but with a holiday twist. Can't wait to see it. :)

Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode - Episode 35 - No Sleep for Cranky

A brand new episode of "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode" is officially up! This time, we return to Cranky the Crane as he has trouble to deal with as we take on the episode, "No Sleep for Cranky." Enjoy! ;)

Monday, October 24, 2022

Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania | Official Trailer

Well, we finally got a trailer for "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" and it looks incredible. Got great action, fantastic acting and amazing visuals. Really excited to see this and see what goes on for Ant-Man next. :)

Happy 14th Anniversary, Ackley Attack TV!


Today marks exactly 14 years since we've first started our time on YouTube and gave birth to Ackley Attack TV. We want to say thank you so much for letting us make it there and we're thrilled to have been doing this so long and even posting videos on the regular and we've put up a good amount over the years. We're excited for next year as it'll mark our 15th anniversary. It's gonna be a massive one next year and we're looking forward to see what comes our way for the future. Once again, thank you so much for 14 years of Ackley Attack TV. :)

Black Adam - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, in addition to celebrating our 14th anniversary of our YouTube channel today, we'll be talking about the newest DCEU movie that came out which is, "Black Adam." Enjoy! ;)

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Avatar: The Way of Water I Keep Our Oceans Amazing

Still looking forward to seeing "Avatar: The Way of Water" when it comes out. I'm excited to see how an underwater world as part of Pandora will do to expand the whole world of Avatar. And I agree, keep our oceans amazing. :)

Version 3.2 "Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises" Trailer | Genshin Impact

Really enjoying this trailer for Version 3.2 of Genshin Impact. Really love on how they're expanding the Sumeru area they're showcasing, showing off characters we know and have new twist and turns. Can't wait for this one. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we stay on the MCU right about now as we finally get to talk about their latest show on Disney+ which is none other than, "She-Hulk: Attorney at Law." Enjoy! ;)

Friday, October 21, 2022

Scenery and Sentiment: Mondstadt Edition | Genshin Impact

Really love this latest video on the incredible scenery of Mondstadt from Genshin Impact. It's truly one of those worlds that I would've love to see more of and it does make you feel like you're really there. Really admire it all the way. :)

Werewolf by Night - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we jump back into Disney+ once again and talk about the newest Halloween special that's part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Werewolf by Night." Enjoy! ;)

Thursday, October 20, 2022

CREED III | Official Trailer

Well, we have the trailer for "Creed III" and it looks incredible. Great storyline, brilliant acting from Michael B. Jordan, who is also directing this which is amazing, and even some brilliant fights in and out of the boxing ring. Can't wait. :)

A MAN CALLED OTTO - Official Trailer (HD)

Well, we've got a trailer for "A Man Called Otto" and it looks interesting. Got some good acting from the actors, particularly Tom Hanks as Otto and some nice direction on what it's doing. This may peek my interest for sure. :)

Ackleyattack4427 Cosplaying as Barbara from "Genshin Impact" as a Baller...

A brand new video is officially up! This time, directed from TikTok, we see yours truly cosplaying as Barbara as a Ballerina who is now, reciting her Ballet performance she did at this year's RetroGameCon not too long ago. Enjoy! ;)

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 112 - Super Saiyan Goku Funko Pop Figure

A brand new episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is officially up! This time, we drop back into talking about Funko Pop Figures as we talk about the Pop Figure version of Super Saiyan Goku from "Dragon Ball Z." Enjoy! ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode - Episode 34 - Thomas and Bertie’s Gr...

A brand new episode of "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode" is officially up! This time, we return to the classic era of Thomas as take on our first one on the show with the episode, "Thomas and Bertie's Great Race." Enjoy! ;)

Monday, October 17, 2022

Halloween Ends - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we return to Haddenfield and take on Michael Myers, but for the very last time, at this moment in time, with the latest Halloween movie, "Halloween Ends." Enjoy! ;)

Sunday, October 16, 2022

WTPU? (What the Pickup?) - Episode 111 - RetroGameCon 2022 Haul

A brand new episode of "WTPU? (What the Pickup?)" is officially up! This time, we return to do another convention haul episode on this show after months as we talk about the stuff I got during this year's RetroGameCon. Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Kids Cosplay Contest - RetroGameCon 2022

A brand new convention highlights video is officially up! This time, we conclude our videos recapping RetroGameCon this year with the Cosplay Contest. No, not the one on Saturday, but rather the Kids Cosplay Contest on Sunday. Enjoy! ;)

Friday, October 14, 2022

RetroGameCon 2022 Vlog (Day 2)

A brand new convention vlog is officially up! This time, we continue on our journey through RetroGameCon this year as we conclude with Day 2 of the convention vlog itself. Enjoy! ;)

Thursday, October 13, 2022

COSPLAY UPDATE: Ruby Rose (Beacon Dance) - RWBY & Barbara (Christmas) - Genshin Impact


We'd like to take the time to share an update regarding our cosplays we've got lined up. Right now, upon thinking things over and even negotiations so far, we've decided to have 2 of the 3 cosplays we've got lined up which are Ruby Rose's Beacon Dance outfit and Barbara's Christmas outfit be the ones to finish up. We're already close to getting them done and they're our main priority cosplay-wise until the end of this year.
While as for Barbara's outfit from the Genshin Impact 2021 Melodies of an Endless Journey Concert, we've decided due to complications with what we got right now, we're gonna set it back to next year while we can confirm at the same time to add in Barbara's outfit from the Genshin Impact Concert from this year as well for our Cosplans for 2023. Because of that, we still hope to get the first Barbara concert outfit completed around 2023 and if the whole resizing situation doesn't work out with me and my grandmother and anyone else, we've already got a Plan B option set up just in case.
Whatever we've got, we'll be sure to get Barbara's 1st Concert outfit done soon and until then, we're excited to finish Ruby's Beacon Dance outfit and Barbara's Christmas outfit by the end of this year. :)

Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical | Official Trailer | Netflix

Well, we got a new trailer for Netflix's adaptation of "Matilda the Musical" and it looks really good. Got gripped on the story, the characters are interesting, the actors are good and the songs are incredible. Can't wait to see it when it comes out. :)

Character Demo - "Nilou: Dance of the Delicate Lotus" | Genshin Impact

YAY! Love the character demos for Genshin Impact and this one they've got for Nilou is just amazing. From what I've seen, she really does stand out well and her incredible dancing is just a joy to watch. Can't get enough of her. :)

RetroGameCon 2022 Vlog (Day 1)

A brand new convention vlog is officially up! This time, we get ourselves back up and returned to our all-time favorite convention, RetroGameCon starting with Day 1 of the convention itself. Enjoy! ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

COSPLAY PHOTOSHOOT: Barbara (Ballerina) - Genshin Impact @ RetroGameCon 2022


Now, that's amazing and a great fitting for this photoshoot. Again, I'm glad to see how my Ballerina Barbara cosplay turned out when I wore it on Saturday at this year's RetroGameCon and thanks for the love to it. Even when I did some Ballet dancing in this one. :)
Pictures taken by AB Photography and all credit goes to them.

COSPLAY PHOTOSHOOT: Barbara (Ballerina) - Genshin Impact @ RetroGameCon 2022

Now this is incredible. Barbara is about to put on her own Ballet recital in the Church of Favonius. Really thrilled with how this picture turned out and I'm glad I got to go as Ballerina Barbara on Saturday at this year's RetroGameCon. Keeping my hopes up for my Ballet dancing in it at the Cosplay Contest this year.
Also, big thanks to Sparklight Studio for taking this and all credit goes to them. ;)

COSPLAY PHOTOSHOOT: Amber - Genshin Impact @ RetroGameCon 2022


Now this is actually a great picture of me cosplaying as Amber from Genshin Impact. Really thrilled on how it turned out and I'm glad I wore it on Sunday for this year's RetroGameCon and it's truly worth it none the less. :)
Picture taken by Matt Smith and all credit goes to him.

Marvel Studios' Black Panther: Wakanda Forever | Return to Wakanda

Still excited to see Black Panther: Wakanda Forever next month. Truly gonna live out the legacy of Chadwick Boseman and is gonna deliver entirely through everyone at Wakanda. And as they said it best, everything's gonna be alright. :)

Ackleyattack4427 Tries Feastables MrBeast Chocolate Chip Cookies

A brand new video is officially up! This time, we dive right into a new trying video as we take a look and try out the Chocolate Chip Cookies that are done by Feastables, done by YouTube channel, MrBeast. Enjoy! ;)

Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode - Episode 33 - Gordon and the Gremlin

A brand new episode of "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode" is officially up! This time, we try to tackle the gremlins while making this as we take on the episode, "Gordon and the Gremlin." Enjoy! ;)

Friday, October 7, 2022

Ackley Attack TV - Fan Art of the Day!


We'd like to take this opportunity right now and share an incredible piece of fan art that we got earlier this week. That being this incredible recreation of our Ackley Attack TV logo that's done by the incredible, Xandrew Productions. Thank you so much for making this and go check out his channel if you haven't heard of him. ;)

Character Teaser - "Nilou: Dancing Grace" | Genshin Impact

Really love these amazing character teasers for "Genshin Impact" and I gotta say, the one they did for Nilou is just incredible. They really pull this one off incredibly well and I really do admire her character as much as Barbara and Yun Jin. :)

The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) Teaser Trailer Reaction - Ackleyattac...

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we jump right into another reaction to another trailer as we talk about one for Illumination's new movie, "The Super Mario Bros. Movie." Enjoy! ;)

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Super Mario Bros. Movie | Official Teaser Trailer

Well, we finally got the teaser trailer for Illumination's Mario movie, now named "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" and it looks really good. Love the animation, the voice acting sounds good and it does look and feel like the game. Super excited for it. :)

Ackley Attack TV - Now on Facebook & Twitter

We've now posted the promo video to promote our Facebook and Twitter pages onto the SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions channel. Go check it out and be sure to give us a like and a follow on both platforms. Enjoy! ;)

Ackley Attack TV - Now on Facebook & Twitter

A brand new promo video is officially up! This time, since we were long overdue to get it out, we present this special video to promote our pages on both Facebook & Twitter. Go check it out and give us a like and a follow. Enjoy! ;)

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Andrew Lloyd Webber & Linedy Genao - Bad Cinderella (Animated Video)

Well, we now got a reworked version of the title song for Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cinderella, now renamed Bad Cinderella and it's not bad. Sure, not as catchy as the original, but I'm excited for it to come to Broadway regardless. :)

Of Ballads and Brews Event Cutscene Animation: "The Wind Returns for the...

Now it looks like we're treated to a really nice cutscene from Genshin Impact. Everything is very soothing and almost made my heart melt. Really well worth it and I just couldn't get enough of this one already. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A Message from Ken & Roberta Williams about RetroGameCon

Really love this message from both Ken & Roberta Williams and I'll be sure to check out their video game they've got in the works by the time I come back to RetroGameCon this weekend. That's something I'll be looking forward to. :)

Story Teaser: The "Divine" Will | Genshin Impact

Yes! More story teasers for Genshin Impact, please! Can't get enough of them and really looking forward to see how it's all incorporated into the game itself and this one really does divine all of that. Can't wait to see how it goes. :)

Blue's Big City Adventure | OFFICIAL TRAILER | Paramount+

Well, we have the trailer for "Blue's Big City Adventure" and it actually looks good. It's taking it to an all new level while bringing in callbacks to both the original and the recent reboot on the show I remembered watching as a kid. Excited to see how it goes. :)

Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode - Episode 32 - Harvey to the Rescue

A brand new episode of "Thomas Narration Redubs à La Mode" is officially up! This time, we get ourselves introduced to Harvey the Crane Engine as we take on the episode, "Harvey to the Rescue." Enjoy! ;)

Monday, October 3, 2022

Story Teaser: Lost Legacies in the Sand | Genshin Impact

Still digging these incredible story teasers from Genshin Impact and this one they got right about now is just incredible to look at. I still love on how well the game is expanding on its lore and this one does prove there's more to come. :)

Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever | Official Trailer

Well, we got a new trailer for "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" and it looks incredible. It's taking it in a new direction, found a way around Chadwick Boseman's passing and I'm liking on how it's focusing on everyone at Wakanda. Can't wait. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Video Game Convention of Your Dreams is in Syracuse, NY (October 8-9)

Still looking forward to RetroGameCon coming up. Now that my promo video for when I'll come back to it that I posted to my 2nd channel earlier today, I'm excited to see what goes down for it. Can't wait because the countdown is really on! :)

See Ackleyattack4427 at RetroGameCon 2022!

A brand new promo video is officially up! This time, we present both Amber and Barbara in her Ballerina outfit from "Genshin Impact" and they hype everyone up for when we'll come back to RetroGameCon. Go check it out and see you there! Enjoy! ;)

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Hocus Pocus 2 - Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts

A brand new Ackleyattack4427's Thoughts video is officially up! This time, we officially get ourselves into the Halloween spirit as we talk about the latest sequel to Disney's cult classic at this time, "Hocus Pocus 2." Enjoy! ;)

Ackley Attack TV Updates: Syracuse Collectors Con 2025, T&F: IoSA, FMC, ...

A brand new update video is officially up! We get ourselves in on what will go down for 2025 this year in terms of video projects, what show...

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