Sunday, July 31, 2016

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 30: ...

BIG NEWS!!! We are proud to announce that Episode 30 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Bowled Out" has officially beaten out Episode 1 of "Family Movie Collaboration" as the #1 most viewed video on the SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions YouTube channel, with exactly 7,891 views. Thank you guys so much for this and here's top hope it'll reach 8,000 views. :)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Family Movie Collaboration - Episode 11 - Flushed Away

BIG NEWS!!! Episode 11 of "Family Movie Collaboration" has finally reached over 3,000 views on YouTube! Thank you all so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

T'AWS&A Special: The Top 10 Best Moments from Episodes 1-11 of T'AWS&A

Hey, guys. We thought we would share this with you guys because we are proud to announce that the "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" special, "The Top 10 Best Moments from Episodes 1-11 of T'AWS&A" is only 90 views away towards reaching 1,000 views on YouTube. And it is the only T'AWS&A special that hasn't reached that milestone in it's 3-4 year period. Click on the link that'll take you there and let's see if we can make this long-awaited milestone happen, :)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pokémon: The Live-Action Series UPDATE:
We are proud to announce that we officially have a subplot to go along with the actual plot for the the upcoming "Pokémon" live-action series. What you may ask? Well, we noticed that fans were complaining for the fact for the slogan of Pokémon being, "Gotta Catch 'Em All," Ash Ketchum doesn't seem to catch them all. So, we are proud to announce that the subplot to the series to go along with the actual plot being that while Ash is with 5 other trainers in the home made for trainers who accomplished their goals, he will also go out to catch the Pokémon that he has been missing out on. Stay tune for more updates! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 40: ...

BIG NEWS!!! Episode 40 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Gordon and the Gremlin" has finally reached over 1,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE!!!

Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE:
We are proud to announce that we are halfway through production on an upcoming episode of "Family Movie Collaboration." Which will be a crossover review with Sam Tindal (SamTheThomasFan1) on the Thomas & Friends movie, "Blue Mountain Mystery." Stay tune for more updates! :)

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE!!!

Family Movie Collaboration UPDATE:
We are proud to announce that just tonight, an upcoming episode of "Family Movie Collaboration" is finally competed which will be on the Top 15 Moments You've Never Noticed in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." Be on the lookout for that sometime soon. Stay tune for more updates. :)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thomas & Friends: Island of Sodor Adventures Reboot UPDATE!!!

Thomas & Friends: Island of Sodor Adventures Reboot UPDATE:
We are proud to announce that development on the 2nd episode of the upcoming reboot to "Thomas & Friends: Island of Sodor Adventures" is finally completed and we will then turn it over to Robert Gotch (HuskyFan41) for additional writing. Stay tune for more updates! :)

SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions - UPCOMING MILESTONE!!!
Hey, guys. We want to let you guys know is that SamAttack4427TheThomasFan1 Productions' official YouTube channel is only 9 subscribers towards reaching 700 subscribers. If you guys want to make this milestone happen, then get someone you know who hasn't subscribed to the channel yet to hit that subscribe button. Let's make it happen, everyone! :)

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Special: Dai...

BIG NEWS!!! The "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427" special, "Daisy the Diesel Railcar" has finally reached 2,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Anime Boston 2016 Vlog (Days 2 & 3)

Days 2 & 3 of my Anime Boston 2016 Vlog is finally here! Enjoy! =)

Anime Boston 2016 Vlog (Day 1)

After several months of waiting, my latest convention vlog on Anime Boston 2016 is finally here! For this, we take a look at what's going on during Day 1 of my time at the con. Enjoy! =)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 35: ...

BIG NEWS!!! Episode 35 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Cranky Bugs" has finally reached over 2,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 5: T...

BIG NEWS!!! Episode 5 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Thomas' Train" has finally reached over 2,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Friday, July 15, 2016

Press Your Luck

BIG NEWS! I got to guest star in another video by TVNicholasKrauss entitled, "Press Your Luck." Click on the link to go see it. ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Monday, July 11, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 20: ...

BIG NEWS!!! Episode 20 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Thomas, Percy & The Dragon" has finally reached over 3,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427 Episode 1: D...

BIG NEWS!!! Episode 1 of "Thomas' Adventures with SamTheThomasFan1 & Ackleyattack4427," "Dirty Objects" has finally reached over 6,000 views on YouTube! Thank you guys so much for this incredible milestone and let's keep it going for the other episodes. :)

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sodor Pony Railway Adventures

Hey, guys. We thought we would share this to you because sometime soon, I'll be lending my voice for an upcoming episode of this show created by fellow YouTuber, DLTBerkshire entitled, "Sodor Pony Railway Adventures." So far, this show has gained a lot of popularity on YouTube and we felt that it deserves more attention on social media because this series really is good. So, if you haven't seen it yet, then click on the link that's provided. :)

Ackley Attack TV Updates: Syracuse Collectors Con 2025, T&F: IoSA, FMC, ...

A brand new update video is officially up! We get ourselves in on what will go down for 2025 this year in terms of video projects, what show...

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